
Saturday, August 9, 2008 |

Today was Carluke today, a favorite city of many of our team. But alas my friends it is another long day and it is time for me to go to bed. Keep us in prayer for tomorrow, its a long hectic day with many twists and turns, but is also the day i am looking most forward too. The morning we are joining a church known as Harvest (no relationship to Riverside) and Holland will be doing worship and Jim will be giving the message. After that we will be traveling to Shotts to Jim's old church. This is the place where is mother and 14 other relatives are buried. We will be having an old school Conventicle there. Then we will be traveling to Elim Family Church, and having a night of worship. For this worship service all the local churches have been invited. Also a secret to all you blog readers, we filmed a short video tonight at the evening service and it shall be played at the Sunday morning service at Ocean. So if you miss our beautiful faces, go to the service and watch us wave and say a "wee hello"


Post written by: Evan Liewer at 3:38 PM
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